Saturday, August 6, 2022

Stand in Awe

 Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Psalm 33:8 says, “Let all the earth fear the LORD: let all the inhabitants of the world stand in awe of him.”

     There are those times when something happens that is so awesome, you just stand there with your mouth open.  Such was the case when I first  saw the Northern Ligh ts, or the Aurora Borealis.   It  was a clear night in northern Indiana and one could see the colors just seemingly dancing in the sky in the Northern skyline.  I didn’t know what it was and my Father explained a little bit about it and what it was called.  We just  referred to it as the “Northern Lights.”  There are a lot of things where we might say, “Wow.  Just look at that.”  I once saw an ant in the parking lot of a large church in West  Virginia and it was dragging a morsel of food that was large for the ant  to carry and in a way, I felt sorry fo it as the ant was in the middle of a large asphalt  parking lot and had a long  way to go in order to reach any dirt at all.  Things like that get my “wow” vote, but “standing in awe” vote.

     There was that time when we used the term, “shock and awe” in regard to an attack on enemy sites in Iraq.  The world should be concerned about God’s shock and awe.  It is coming.  The above passage begins with all the earth fearing  the LORD.  The next st atement amplifies the first in st at ing, all the inhabitants of the world will stand in awe of Him. I am often dismayed over the person who refers to God as “the man upstairs” as if God is on the floor above him in an apartment building.  It  is, perhaps, one of the most disrespectful descriptions of God.  It  is obvious that the person who makes such a statement does not know Who God is.  In referring to God, the Son, every knee will bow before Him.  It is not referring to just believers, but every person on earth will bow and bend the knee before the Lord Jesus Christ.  There will be no familiarity as one might pat Him on the back and say, “well done.”  No, this will be a completely different setting when you realize the power, the majesty, the glory of God.  The description of the Son of God in Revelation one, is a description that portrays judgment in every characteristic.  It has been said that mankind has the opportunity to either meet the Lord Jesus Christ in grace or to meet Him in judgment.  There will be no arguing with the LORD who says, “Depart  from me.  I never knew you.”  His voice will not be a soft spoken Jesus that is in the gospels, but will be as the sound of many waters and the whole universe will be able to hear His Words.  Yes, we will indeed stand in awe and yes the world will fear the LORD.  If you have read God’s Word, then you know that it is coming.  We know the end of the story.  We know that judgment is coming soon.  Therefore, we should be proclaiming the gospel message to the lost at every opportunity.  All will indeed stand in awe then and we ought to be standing in awe now.  Praise God for His glory.

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