Monday, June 20, 2022

Prayer for Your Enemies

 Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Matthew 5:43-44 says, “Ye have heard that it hath been said, Thou shalt love thy neighbour, and hate thine enemy.  But I say unto you, Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;” 

     I try to be a friendly type of person.  I like to talk to people and to ask them questions as to where they are from, their family, if they go to church at all, what denomination they are and anything else I can find out.  I write stuff like that down so I can remember more about each person.  Some people open up and others do not, but I still ask the questions.  I even do it at the Veterans hospital where I go every two weeks.  In all of this I find out that not everyone likes me for one reason or another.  I guess that is the case in almost everyone’s life.  Some make false assumptions, may not like my constant singing even when it is just humming by myself.  I do complain a bit about conditions where I live and have the feeling that management would like to see me out of here.

     That leads me to the above passage.  Still, in all of the situations of our lives, we need to be about the business of prayer and not for the good things in life but also those things which come from our unfriendly neighbors.  Everyone has something going on in their lives even our unfriendly associates.  They may have a sick relative at home or financial problems or some unknown condition even to them which is bothering them.  So, we continue to pray for those people.  I guess they need it more than the “good” neighbors that we all have and love to be with.  It seems that  our inclination is to be like Elijah and want fire to come down and destroy our unfriendly associates but that is not the goal of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Everfy person in this place, both residents and all of the staff have a soul that is going to spend eternity somewhere.  All of your unfriendly associates all have souls that are going to be going into an eternal destination somewhere and that is the chief prayer that I would have for each and every one of them.  I pray that they will know Christ before it is too late. Praise God today that His call is still going out but the final call is coming soon.  We just don’t know when it will be.

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