Saturday, June 11, 2022

One Way

 Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Mark 16:16 says, “He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.”

Does it make any difference what you believe?   It has been estimated that there are about 4,300 different religions in the world.  A number of years ago, a man by the name of Jim Jones persuaded a large group of people to be his followers and to promote his own religion, so to speak.  In blind obedience they drank poison kool aid in the end and all of them died.  The object of their faith was completely wrong and no matter how devout they were in their belief, they still perished into a Christless eternity.  You can believe that the earth is flat and that the moon is made of cheese but that won’t make it right.   In the end, we have to come to a point where we will not drink the kool aid of unbelief.

The above passage deals with only two choices and not 4,300 different avenues of belief.  You either believe in the words and the Person of the Lord Jesus Christ  or you do not.  There are countless people who seem to think that all roads lead to heaven when in reality, there is only one way and the Lord Jesus Christ in John 14:6  told us that He was the Way to the Father and that there was no other way.  That means that there are only two belief systems going on in the world today.  You are either Christian or Pagan.  You are either on the narrow way to heaven through Christ alone, or you are on the broad way to eternal destruction through the other 4,299 false ways because they are trying to omit Christ.  This is the basic reason that we have missionaries going around the world to proclaim the message of salvation.  For the Christian, there is only one basket in which we put all of our eggs and that is “Christ  alone” and nothing else.  Thee is nothing to be added to that work which was accomplished on the cross at Calvary.  A. T. Robertson says of this passage, ““The omission of baptized with “disbelieveth” would seem to show that Jesus does not make baptism essential to salvation. Condemnation rests on disbelief, not on baptism. So salvation rests on belief. Baptism is merely the picture of the new life not the means of securing it.” (Robertson)  Your belief does matter and the question is, In “Whom do you believe for salvation?”  Pr aise God that there is the Way of salvation.

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