Saturday, June 25, 2022

God's Provision: Poverty to Riches

 Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Second Corinthians 8:9 says, “For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich.”

     All my life has been one of struggling with a budget and not having enough to make it from one week to another.   We always made it through although at  some times we wondered how it was going to be possible.  I have now lived over 80 years, having had my 84th birthday, and God has never failed me in the past so I always rest in His provision however it might be.  I do find myself in a quandary at this point as I am aware of a number of healthcare workers that are struggling to make ends meet, having to work two jobs, long hours and just barely making it.  Many are not “believers” in the Lord Jesus Christ.  Some attend church  and some are relying on a “baptism” to make them worthy of salvation.  They don’t read the Scriptures nor, it seems, love the Lord with all their heart, soul, strength and all their mind.  Most of all, I have a burden for their souls, their eternal destiny.  James reminded me that we often need to supply their needs along with our prayers and blessings and as James put it, “faith without works is dead.”  That is something that seems to be easy for us, or at least it did for me, to just look the other way.  I can’t do that any more.   If a child is starving, you give him food.  If a child is thirsty, you give her a drink of water.  

     The above passage is just one of about twenty four exhortations on giving that are found in chapter eight and nine of this book.  The Lord Jesus Christ, the Creator, had it all, yet  He became poor for you and me that we might become rich.  He suffered and died on the cross in one of the worst forms of execution that was ever devised by the human race.   You literally died of drowning in your own fluids and the pain of the hands and feet being nailed to the cross was horrifyingly painful.  His body was already beaten until His back was bare and the crown of thorns had been jammed on His head.  He suffered until He said, “It is finished.”  It meant  that the sin debt of every sin ever committed was now paid in full.  The Philippian Jailor asked that important question, “What must I do to be saved.”  Paul’s answer, “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ…”  Yes, Christ became poor so that we might become rich.  What a contrast to have left the throne in glory and to take on flesh through the virgin birth with Mary and to live for 33 years and then to end it all with the crucifixion.  The guarantee however, came on Sunday morning when the tomb was empty and after 40 days, He went back to glory with the reminder that He will come again.  If we, as believers, were to die today, we would go from poverty to riches in the twinkling of an eye.  Please pray for the healthcare workers here, that they hear and understand the gospel message and tha somehow God would use me and others to meet their financial needs as well.  Praise God for His Omnipotence.

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