Tuesday, October 27, 2020

The Supreme Judge

           According to some sources, there are about 1770 positions for judges in the federal judgeships for about 209 different federal courts around the nation. When two people get together there is probably going to be something that will come up which will require someone outside to decide over an issue of contention. I have seen any number of children who seem to learn only two words and they are, “It's mine.” They may not necessarily want the item in question, but that moment all they can say is, “It's mine.” We do that in a lot of things in life some of which will require the sound of the gavel of some judge in deciding who gets what. Of course, then we have the idea of “appealing” the decision of that judge and trying to find one that will agree with us. Finally, we take the issue to the highest court, the Supreme Court. The decisions of the Supreme Court are final, or so we think. There is, however, a Higher Authority. I have mentioned this verse a number of times but it speaks about the Highest of all Authorities, God Himself. Psalm 7:8 says, “The LORD shall judge the people: judge me, O LORD, according to my righteousness, and according to mine integrity that is in me.”

         In Genesis 18:25, Abraham refers to God as “the Judge of all the earth.” The system of government that we have in America has a judicial system that balances out the executive and legislative portions of the government. We refer to it as the Supreme Court. It is a good term, but shouldn't stop there as God Himself is the Final Source for decisions of all types. I don't think that anyone really every desires to stand before any kind of judge. We like to think that we are correct in all that we do and that everyone else is wrong, at least according to our own opinion. There will come a time when each and every person will stand before the One and Only Supreme Judge of all the universe. That time will be what is referred to as the Great White Throne Judgment. No one will escape through a side door or a hidden passageway. All unsaved people from every part of the world, rich or poor, educated or uneducated of every race and nation will stand before the Ruler of the Universe as their individual case is brought up. We find that those people, or souls, will be judged by the “books” which have recorded in them every deed that they ever did. The Book of Life will also be there just as a final blow to each participant that there name is not written in the Lamb's Book of Life. There may be a lot of squirming and pleading going on, but the sentence will be abrupt and final. “Depart from Me. I never knew you.” The only way of escape will be that which is done now, before a person leaves this earth. The only escape is to have your name written in the Lamb's Book of Life and that happens the moment you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior. You can try to justify your actions today by saying, “Oh, I don't believe in that anyway.” That won't do you any good. God's Word is Truth and you can read it for yourself. We all probably have loved ones or friends or neighbors who do not know that their name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life. Pray for them and then tell them the Good news of the Gospel that the Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross of Calvary, was buried and that He arose again from the dead making the necessary payment for all of my sin and yours also. Praise God today that we indeed have The Supreme Judge of all the Universe.

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