Sunday, October 18, 2020


           There was a time when some people thought the world was flat and if you went to the horizon you would fall off. They could only understand what they saw and it looked plausible to them that it was flat. Things however began to change as sailing vessels kept going and kept going and didn't disappear off of the edge of the earth. There were many things that people just didn't understand at the time. There still are many things that escape our reasoning but think for a moment about the statement that job makes in the following passage. Job 26:7 says, “He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing.”

          Space lacks any kind of substance whatsoever. There is no air, no matter. It is just a vast “nothing.” If you fall off of a space craft such as the ones orbiting the earth at the present time, you are gone forever just floating around until you die from a lack of oxygen in your tank. The amazing thing about this passage is Job's declaration of what God did in connection with the earth. Job is perhaps the oldest book in the Bible, even predating Moses and the Pentateuch, yet there are many scientific items included in the book . God gives Job a listing of many different things in the last several chapters of the book when God reminds Job to sit down and be quiet while God tells him about a few things. Job also had a great understanding about his future when he realized that He, Job, would stand before God in a resurrected body and see His Redeemer face to face even though his present body would have been destroyed (Job 19:25-27). Job knew things that he didn't know how they could be, but he knew that God could do them. Job knew that in any given situation, that God was able. It is a simple statement but you can fill in the blank with anything that you desire at this point. God is able to save. God is able to heal. God is able to meet you needs. God is able to calm your fears. God is able to give you peace in the middle of war. God is able to provide hope where it would seem that none could ever exist. You get the idea. No matter what is going to take place in this life, in the hours ahead, God is able. Passages similar and including Proverbs 3:5-6 where we are admonished to trust God and His ways no matter what else is going on in your life come to mind that give us hope even in the midst of the most terrible storm. So, here is our earth, hanging upon nothing, wobbling through space, with just the right amount of wobble, at just the right distance from the sun and at just the right speed to support the delicate balance of life and we still wonder how God is going to help in my problem today. Well, God is able so we just have to trust Him instead of our own ways. When we try to come up with our own solutions, we find that they come to nothing and are a waste in energy. With God, however, He is always able. Praise God today that He is working in each and every situation.

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