Thursday, June 13, 2019

"And I quote..."

          Whom do you find yourself quoting? I find myself quoting my father a lot. I guess I remember the little "proverbs" that he would say now and then. At least, they stuck with me over the years. I also quote some very famous preachers such as John MacArthur or Charles Stanley or David Jeremiah. I get this little email during the week that includes a quote from someone else. I notice that I keep the ones that I recognize and don't bother with those that I don't recognize. Anything that Charles Spurgeon says is worth keeping as a quote or a quote from Jim Elliott, but quotes from some person that I don't know isn't going to make it to my "quote" file. Exodus 20:1 says, "And God spake all these words, saying,”  
       When it comes right down to it, the One Whom I quote the most is the Lord Jesus Christ or simply put, "God." Now there is Someone Who is always worth quoting. The simple verse for today is the beginning of the Ten commandments. Moses began by quoting God. As you go through the Old Testament, you see so many occasions where the words, "Thus saith the LORD" appears. The phrase just mentioned occurs 413 times from Genesis to Malachi. That is something worthy of note. Every time that the phrase occurs, the following words are going to be something that God has said. There used to be that advertisement about a brokerage firm that when they said something, everybody listened. Well, when God says something, everybody ought to listen. What God says is going to have a lesson for all of us either directly or indirectly. This is one of the reasons that the study of the Bible is so important. We can quote poets and remember some of their famous lines, but the Bible is going to end up being the most important work of all. We could spend time studying just the Ten Commandments and right at the beginning learn of how we are to regard the God of the universe. The Ten Commandments set forth the basic principles of life and the Lord Jesus Christ in the New Testament, summed them up into two commandments that if we kept them, would really be living the Godly life. Jesus said unto him, Matthew 22:37-39 remind us, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”  Right away, we see that the task is impossible for us. Who can love God with all of their heart and with all of their soul and with all of their mind? We may go through life with a lot of little sayings that we have heard here and there by some people famous and some not so famous. They might sound good and make people laugh or maybe even think for a moment, but the One Who is worth always quoting is God Himself. You may hear John Wayne saying, "That'll be the day" but God will the One worth quoting. So, praise God today for His Word to us and may you be found quoting Him more and more in your life.

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