Tuesday, August 25, 2020

On Knowing One's Thoughts

          While in college, immediately after high school, I was required to take a piano proficiency class.  I just had to learn some simple things on the piano.  Our classroom had about 15 small pianos in it that were electronic and wired to a master control board.  There were speakers and usually the instructor, Montana Grinstead, would play the song and all you had to do was to follow along on your own keyboard.  All we heard was what she was playing.  However, she also had the capability to tune in any one of the 15 keyboards.  Then, what you were playing would be coming across on the speakers.  There were times when the correct sounds were replaced by some person who was bumbling along on the keyboard, not sounding too good.  There were also some times when a person would be sitting there playing what they wanted to instead of the required piece in front of them.  This, too, became an embarrassment to them when their"music" came across the speakers.  For the most part, the fear of being exposed as one who was not following the prescribed music, kept people playing the right notes.   We never knew when Montana would turn on our piano. While man can only look at the outward things in our lives, God looks at everything that is on the inside.   We are fortunate these days to not have our "thoughts" portrayed on a large screen in the same fashion as those electronic pianos.  There probably would be many more people who would be embarrassed by what flashed up on the screen.  Psalm 94:11 says, "The LORD knoweth the thoughts of man, that they are vanity." 

         While we can rejoice that our thoughts are not broadcasted to the world, we should be alarmed that God is able to know them at all.  Psalm 139 does remind us that God does know all of our thoughts every day and every minute and fully knows every word that is on our tongues.  He knows our minds.  The problem comes to us that we don't concerned about it because we have not reaped anything as the result of our thoughts.  We have become complacent in our thinking because nothing has happened yet and it is something that appears to be in the future for us.  Paul knew about the problem when he advocated through the leading of the Holy Spirit that our minds should be renewed.  Make sure that you focus your attention upon the things of God and not the things of this world.  Get in the habit of incorporating Philippians 4:8 into your life.  Praise God today that He knows all there is to know about each and every one of us, even our deepest most intimate thoughts.

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