Tuesday, March 10, 2020

The Perfect Place

          It's hard to find something that is perfect. The more you look at it, the more imperfections you will find. You can be overwhelmed by your first impression of something and then later on begin to find flaws here and there. We had a home in Alexandria, Virginia that seemed to be perfect, especially for us. Later on, when trying to hang something in the kitchen, I discovered that the distance at the top of a corner to the wall was different than the same place at the bottom. It was just flat crooked but was hard to see unless you had a tape measure in your hand. Somethings can appear as optical illusions but when examined closely the real thing is observed. Structures are prone to not be absolutely perfect and when examined closely the imperfection will be revealed. People are much the same way. You can't find a “perfect” person here on earth. Some may come close, but if you look long enough, you will find something that irritates someone else. A lot of people may seem to be perfect until you live with them for awhile. That's when you start to ignore the imperfections and see only the good in most everyone. It was said that the famous criminal Dillinger from Indiana had a mother who said, “He is a good boy.” Mothers are like that. They hardly ever see the imperfections in their children. Revelation 21:1 says, “ And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea.
         This is probably going t be the one place you will ever see that is perfect. There will be no crooked windows or doorways or gates. The color scheme will be absolutely perfect with every shade of the rainbow. The temperature will be just right. The view from your dwelling place will be perfect. The temperature will be absolute perfect. It will not be too noisy or too quiet. The singing will always be in tune. You won't have to worry about the rent as it will have been paid for in full for eternity. It will have been prepared by the Master Himself as He said in John 14:1-6. You will find yourself in a state of perfection in every way. That's coming in the future for the believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. Because of what lies ahead, we can cope with what is present. With the view of perfection on the horizon, we can put up with the imperfections of this present life. We can tolerate the intolerance of others toward us and perhaps a little persecution here and there. We can accept the temperature being not ideal on this or that day or in this or that place. We can forgive those who forget our names and our likes and dislikes. We learn to forgive others who step on our toes with accusations in regard to our own imperfection. We can do all of these things because of what lies ahead. Yes, perfection is on the horizon. Praise God for what He has prepared for His family.

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