have been times in my life when I thought I was really hungry and had
nothing to eat. Then there was Aunt Edna who said to me that if you
have a jar of mustard and a spoonful of sugar, you can make a snack.
I used it many times after that. It was simply a spoon full of
mustard on two slices of bread sprinkled with sugar. While it may
sound inedible to some, it was good at the time. In school, about
2:30 in the afternoon, my stomach would begin its announcing that it
was hungry and I was known to eat just a tad bit of glue. Even the
crayons smelled good about that time of day. Mark 6:42-44 says, “
And they all ate and were satisfied. And they took up twelve baskets
full of broken pieces and of the fish. And those who ate the loaves
were five thousand men.”
The account mentioned shows that there
were a considerable amount of people and it was time for lunch and
nothing to be found. The Lord Jesus Christ knew full well what He
was going to do but He did question the disciples and none of them
had an answer as to how they were going to provide food for such a
large group of people. The amount of 5,000 people can also equate to
about 5,000 women plus the amount of children present. It could have
been a group of over 10,000 to 13,000 people God then provided the
food which was not great thing for God. He had done it for 40 years
while about 1.3 million people roamed the desert in the wilderness
providing manna every day except on the Sabbath. I often wonder what
the bread and the fish tasted like on that day when the Lord Jesus
Christ fed them all. It must have been good and there is no record
of anyone complaining about what they got to eat that day. When God
prepared the lunch that day, it was perfectly baked with perfect
ingredients and the fish were just about as perfect as fish can get.
They all ate until they were full and then there was the clean up
afterwards when twelve baskets of fragments were gathered up
afterwards. There is no further information on what they did with
the twelve baskets. Many like to think that there was a basket for
each of the twelve disciples that were with Him that day but no
indication that it was specifically for them. As usual, the lesson
for us is that what God does is always the best. It was like the
water to wine when the end result was the “best” wine. This is
the first opportunity for them to taste bread and fish that were “out
of this world.” I sometimes would purchase bread each day in Spain
that was fresh from the oven. I would usually break off a piece
before I got home because it just smelled so good. Whatever God does
for us is always going to be the best no matter what it is. We
usually end up getting the best from God when we run out of our own
capability to get what we need by ourselves. In the end, God
provides just as He did with the Red Sea, the manna, the water from
the rock, the feeding of the 5,000 and the feeding of the 4,000.
When God provides, you can be assured that it is going to be the best
and far better than you could ever have thought about. Praise God
today for all of the wonderful blessings that He has provided and
will keep on providing in each and every person's life.
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