Sunday, May 5, 2019

The Rest of the Story

         About four months ago or more, we finished watching a lengthy Canadian production that must have run for about eleven years a long time ago.  We had finished it.  After a time, we decided to watch it again from the beginning.  When you are old, your mind may not be as sharp as it once used to be and you can watch things that you have seen before because you can't remember every detail or "who done it" in a mystery.  As we watched a couple of episodes recently, I was at least glad to know that the two main characters were going to stay together through the whole show.  I may not know every detail, but I know everything is going to work out in the end.  That's what so great about having a copy of God's Holy Word.  We know the outcome.  As some have said, "We know the rest of the story."   Revelation 20:10 says, "And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever."   
       All the way through the Bible, we learn of the actions of Satan and his crew of demons.  They wanted to stop the coming of the Messiah.  Right in the beginning of the Gospels of Matthew and Luke, we have the temptation of the Lord Jesus Christ in the wilderness and we have learned how to battle such a temptation with the Word of God.    We also learn how the devil roams about trying to devour whomever he can.  What is so beautiful about the Bible is that we can go to the end and find out how it all works out.  Today's verse reminds us of the inevitable outcome of Satan and all of his helpers.  As we read this passage, we have to notice that Satan is not "ruling" the lake of fire.  This is not his kingdom.  What is known is that he is going to be tormented day and night for ever and ever.  The Devil, or Satan, or old slewfoot, or the dragon, or the deceiver, the prince of the power of the air, will finally be cast into the lake of fire where he will be for ever and ever.  Satan will battle against God clear up to the end, but he loses and God is the Victor  We do know the rest of the story.  As you go through life today and meet the various problems that are sure to come into it, remember the end of the story.  You may even be tempted by some demon but you know where it is going to end up.  You know where the victory is and when it is going to be coming.  We also know that God gives us victory in the here and now as we keep our communication line open with Him moment by moment, day by day.  So, praise God today because He is the Victor and because of that, we to are victors, or conquerors.  Truly, Our God is an Awesome God.

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