Tuesday, April 23, 2019

"More fish, please."

         Some people like to go to a particular restaurant because of the way they prepare their food.  We naturally tend to pick out an eating place due to their reputation for good food.  The other day, I was preparing a recipe and I decided to put some dumplings in it so found a recipe that was simple enough and made the dumplings.  The secret was not to take the lid off for fifteen minutes.  I followed the instructions and when I took the lid off, I was amazed and they tasted good with the meal that I had prepared.  I not an excellent cook but I like to use my spice cabinet and try new flavors.  This one hit it off and I hope I can remember it.  John 21:9 says, " As soon then as they were come to land, they saw a fire of coals there, and fish laid thereon, and bread."
       There is no indication that the breakfast of fish and bread was catered by someone else.  The women were not there tending to the post resurrection needs of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Now, obviously, anything that God prepares is going to be the best.  Do you remember the wedding feast at Cana?  The wine that Jesus had made was the "best" wine and not just an average tasting wine.  I thought, "What was the breakfast like that was there on the seashore that morning?"  It would have been the best prepared food every to every one present.    There would be no one saying,  "My fish is not done?" or "This is a tad overcooked."  Everyone would have been satisfied and that is far more than anyone can say about a group going to a restaurant.  Someone surely will complain about something.  It seems to be our nature.  The food that morning, however, was the best and when you think about it, everything that the Lord Jesus Christ is involved in is going to be the best.  You will have no complaints about the "dwelling place" that He has prepared for you.  You will have no complaints about the provision that He brings to you in your time of need.  You will have no complaints in connection with the answers to a prayer that you have uttered.  You see, everything that God does is perfect so that would have been perfectly cooked fish and perfectly prepared bread.  If you would have been there and they had doggy bags, you would have wanted to take some home with you.  When you notice in God's Word about the promises that He has made, realize that they are going to be the best fulfillment possible and not just done half way.  So, Praise God today for providing the best things for all of us.

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