Sunday, March 3, 2019

One Unchanging Fact

       We were never great vegetable eaters at home.  Mom would make the usual green beans at times, but the rest of the vegetable family was somewhat foreign to us.  I can't recall ever having cooked carrots or even broccoli as a child.  We never planted broccoli in our garden but had plenty of corn and potatoes and of course, tomatoes.  Over the years, I have changed in some of my eating habits and have come up with some ways in which I really like broccoli.  Eating habits are only one way in which I have changed over the years.  I can't say that I won't change even more in the future.  There is however, a fact from the Scriptures that is a comfort to me and that is the fact that God doesn't change.  Hebrews 13:8 says, " Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."   There doesn't come a point at which the Lord Jesus Christ will say, "I have some additional requirements for you if you still want to come to heaven."   
       Paul and Silas didn't make additional requirements to the Philippian Jailer when he had asked the question about how to be saved.  The Lord Jesus Christ  has made a lot of promises in the Bible and the comforting part of all of them is that they don't change.  John 14:1-6 is a passage that tells us that Jesus was going to go away for a time and that He would be preparing a place for us and that He was going to return for us.  That never changes.  The fact that God does not change is a comfort for us because we can rest in what He has said to us in His Word that it will come to pass.  All of the promises that are in the Scriptures are still valid for today.  So, what does that mean for me?  Well, I can cast all of my cares upon Him because He cares for me.  It also means that He will never leave me nor forsake me.  It means that His work will be completed in me.  It means that He will supply all of my needs.  It would be a good thing to go through the Bible as you read it and take note especially of the promises that God has made and then to rejoice in them fully knowing that He will do what He says He will do.  It means also that each and every believer has the power to share the message of salvation to others by being a witness.  So, praise God today for His immutability.  God is the same as He always was, is and always will be.

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