Sunday, October 29, 2017

What Is This Stuff?

        Have you ever come to a place in your life where you didn't know where the provisions for the next day would come?  I have long trusted in God and that He would provide during different times in my life.  I am at the point now where I can say that God has never failed me in the past so i don't expect He is going to start now.  One of the biggest changes in our lives occurred when I entered Washington Bible College as a full time student with a family to support, house payments, car payments and the list goes on.  We lived comfortably in our home in Alexandria, Virginia and I was working with A. T. and T. at the time when I decided to go into the ministry.  We never missed a house payment, car payment or any other bill during those years, even the bills that came in regard to my education.  I can and do say that God provided in each and every situation.  Exodus 16:4 says, "Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no."
       The Israelites had, what they considered to be, a good life in Egypt.  They continually reminded Moses of all the wonderful food and water they had while living and being the slaves of the Pharaoh. So, while in Egypt, they complained and God answered.  It wasn't perhaps the answer that they expected, but God rained down a new "food" for them to eat.  They simply called it "Manna" which means, "What is this stuff?"  There was no Kroger or Safeway or Seven Eleven around the next bend.  They woke up and there it was.  Instructions were given and the people had a new food.  The lessons grew from this supply to the people as they wandered in the wilderness.  The bread continued to fall as God prescribed until they entered the Promised Land.  Then, the provision stopped and they ate the "corn of the land."  God always supplies our needs.  There may be those times today, tomorrow and the days to come, where you don't know how you are going to make it, but God will take care of you.  We can have perfect peace by trusting in God as the Scripture reminds us in Isaiah 26:3.  We often worry and fret over the things of this life when they are always in God's hands.  So, praise God today for His provision and you will soon realize that God has never failed you in the past and He isn't about to start.

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