Thursday, October 19, 2017

Treasures or Junk?

      I once was associated with an individual that had the philosophy, "If you have no need of an object within a year, get rid of it."  That is usually not the case with most people.  We come across an object and say to ourselves, "I might need that someday."  Then, we tuck it away in some place where we hope we will be able to find it later and forget about it.  When we returned from Spain, there was one box that we didn't unpack for about 6 years.  I knew what was in it, but just left sit in the corner of the basement.   Our accumulation of nuts, bolts, washers, nails and other assorted things make for a good use for the coffee cans that you don't want to get rid of either.   The result will often be a room full of boxes and cans that are filled with both large and small items that we might need someday.  We are good at keeping things.  God is also good at keeping things.  Philippians 4:7 says, "And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  
       In this case, God is good at keeping us in a certain state due to His power.  Peace just doesn't come with an accumulation of things that we might need some day in the future.  Peace has its connection with the Lord Jesus Christ and He is the Only One that can give us that peace.  When trouble or adversity comes into our lives, we often feel as if we were going to fly apart, wringing our hands and saying, "I don't know what I'm going to do."  For the believer however, that is not the case.  Instead, we find ourselves at peace because we have our trust in God and He indeed "keeps" us in a peaceful state.  We do need at times to remember that the power to be kept is dependent upon the power of the Keeper.  In this case, the Keeper is God.  This is why this peace that God supplies is beyond our understanding.  Is your schedule full?  Are you about to have some medical procedure?  Are you having a tough time at work?  Place your dependence upon God and He will keep you in perfect peace.  So, praise God today for the fact that He is able and willing to "keep" you in His hands throughout all of the turmoil in your life.  The result will be a perfect peace that the world can never supply.  Praise God today that He provides the peace in our lives.

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