Friday, May 12, 2023

Opportunities for Prayer

 Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     It has been several years since I have driven a car.  For years I didn’t get one ticket or was stopped for a violation of the law, but that didn’t mean I always drove in complete obedience to the law.   When do you spend the most time in prayer? I am not thinking about a special time of day but rather when the conditions in your life produce more or less prayer. While attending church several years ago, the speaker mentioned how we respond when we see a State Trooper parked along the side of the road. If we have been traveling over the speed limit, we immediately slow down and often go under the speed limit the same amount of miles per hour that we were going over the speed limit when we first saw the trooper.  Some states have even gone so far as to place a life size cardboard picture of a police car on the side of the road.  It does seem to force people to slow down.  We may feel that this temporary reduction in speed would compensate for our disobedience of the law. Sometimes, our prayer life follows the same pattern. When things are going well, we begin to slack off on our time with the Lord. Then, when times get tough or something disastrous hits out life, we seem to really get serious about our prayer life. What we should have been doing all of the time, now becomes more serious and a part of our lives. Philippians 4:6 says,  “Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God." Paul reminded the Philippians that they should be prayer about everything. He does not speak just about the tragedies of life but that we are to be in prayer " every thing." It should be a natural thing for us to be in a habit of speaking to the Lord. It doesn't have to be in a special place nor during a special time. The prayers don't have to be of a specific format nor with a minimum amount of words. The prayer time is not just between the hours of 5 and 6 am nor just at 10:30 pm. Our prayer life should be as natural and as compelling as that cough that you can't suppress. It just has to come out. The same is true about our prayers. Every believer needs to be in a constant state of prayer. So, how are you doing today? Are there things on your heart that need to be given to the Lord in prayer? Are you looking for guidance in a certain area? Well, don't hesitate to speak often to the Lord today.  Praise God today for the open line of communication that He has provided through prayer.



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