Thursday, February 23, 2023

Teaching the Scriptures


Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

Second Timothy 3:16:17 says, “ All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: 

2Ti 3:17  That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.“

My first Bible Verse was probably John 3:16 but I didn't become aware of it until I was an adult. No one in my family ever mentioned the Bible or anything else about God. I once knew a Jewish man who became a Christian and said that his first introduction to anything spiritual was through the movie, “The Robe.” As a young adult, I began memorizing some Bible verses through the Navigators but do remember seeing “The Robe” before I learned anything else as a teenager.

In the above passage, we learn an importan t fact about the Word of God. It is inspired or “God Breathed.” Every letter of the original “autographs” was inspired or God breathed. We do not have the original “autographs” but we do have over 3,000 copies or fragments of the new Testament. The above passage is in the conclusion of a passage that remarked how young Timothy had been taught the Word of God as a child. Mom and Dad were good to me and provided the necessities of life and I never needed anything that they could not provide. They never did, however, say anything about the Bible and neither did my grandparents. In the past, many adults seem to think that any religious teaching ought to be done by a formally trained pastor or “religious teacher” of some sort or maybe even to attend some “religious education” classes. It was left up to the professionals so to speak. The adults seem to think that they might mess it up so refrained from saying anything about it. In many cases, this might have an element of truth as many parents are not saved in the first place and so don't know what to say regarding something they know nothing about. Many of the so called main line denominations had such religious classes for children that were about twelve years old. After completing the class, they were “confirmed” as a member of that particular church. It would usually revolve around that particular denomination and so not have too much about the plan of salvation as stated in the Bible. Timothy's mother and granmother taught him the Scriptures and would probably refer to the Old Testament as the New Testament was still not complete. The lesson in all of this is the responsibility of parents and grandparents to teach the children the Word of God. Of course, t hey will need to know the Word of God themselves in order to do so. Also, it is never too late to teach the next generation about the Word of God. Remember that all Scripture is given by inspiration of God and praise Him that we have our own copy today.

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