Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Psalm 50:10 says, “ For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills.”
I recently mentioned how I have downsized a lot of things that I had accumulated over the past 50 years such as ties, suits , musical instrumental, music, books and even a lot of Bibles . We might think often of the ownership of those things and think that we have accumulated a lot of things.
In reality God owns it all. In t he passage, we find that God has the ownership of everything that exists upon the earth. He not only claims ownership to the catt le but everything that flies upon the earth. The are all His and our mere small amount of possessions pails in comparison to that of all of creation. We are g iven possessions for a season of time but in the end, we leave them all behind and only what we have done with them remains. I can recall seeing various photos of possessions of what a person did with t heir possessions but they are doing nothing with me at the present time.. We often find that we have nothing but memories of the songs or the writings or the photos what they accomplished during the previous years. God, However, is eternal and His works remain for eternity. Some tf the works will remain where and when we have been involved in thighs that will bear eternal fruit.. Such will be the case where you have been involved in sharing the gospel with others throughout your lifetime such as the times you taught a Sunday School class or shared the gospel in a restaurant or on a st reet corner with someone passing by. You may find that the sharing of a song will result in eternal blessings to someone who heard it and whose life was changed as a result of your music because it was done for the Lord. I recall one time I was sitting in chapel at Washing Bible College and they always had someone playing the piano before the surface. As I was sitting there wit h my head down, the piano began to play and as I listened, it sounded different than all of the days before. I looked up to find a different person playing the piano than before. The difference was how it was being done. It was performed for an audience of one rathdf for the whole group sitting in front of the speaker. You will not be remembered for the things you accumulated but what you have done for the LORD. Praise God today for the fact that He owns all that there is in the universes.
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