Sunday, November 27, 2022

Foolish Decisions

 Greetings to  you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Psalm 14:1-3 says, “The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that doeth good. The LORD looked down from heaven upon the children of men, to see if there were any that did understand, and seek God.   They are all gone aside, they are all together become filthy: there is none that doeth good, no, not one.”

     I have done a lot of foolish things in my life, especially when I was younger but not only during that time in my life.  I still tend to say things that can be misconstrued or taken the wrong way.  I jumped off the garage with an umbrella and discovered that the umbrella did no good.  I tried to make a raft of old boards like Tom Sawyer, and that didn’t work.  I tried to get the cows out of the woods by driving a Ford tractor into the woods and almost got it stuck between two trees, just because I didn’t want to get off the tractor and walk into the woods to get them out.  These were only some of the experiences that could be classified as foolish things.

     There is one foolish thing that I never did and that was to doubt that there was a God.  I was taught a little prayer as a child which began, “Now I lay me down to sleep….”   The poetical books of the Bible paint a dim picture of the fool, or the person who tends to do foolish things.Psalm 14 opens up with the statement that it is a fool who claims in his or her heart that there is no God.  One should not have to look too far to see the evidence of the Divine Creator, i.e., God Himself.  It is evident in the thumb print, that is uniques andit is also evident in the iris of the eye which is also unique in every human being.   Then branch out to the things around us such as snow, hail, the earth’s distance from the sun and it’s wobbly orbit.  Think of elements.  One can also go the other way down to minute things of our planet in seeds and insects.  The most dangerous item for the fool is the coming judgment which will call every soul to bow before God in judgment.  Then, it will be too late to change your mind.  The fools of the world will have had a lifetime to bear witness to those things around them.  I may do some foolish things, bu may I never be so foolish as the person in Psalm 14:1.  Mankind in general is not drawn to seek for God.  it is just the opposite.  Mankind seeks pleasure in the things of the world.  They would rather have a rocker in front of a fire with a good book and an irish setter curled up near the fireplace than to admit that there is God Who is in control of everything that takes place in the universe.  Praise God that He is!

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