Wednesday, September 14, 2022

The Throne of Grace

 Greetings to  you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,

     Hebrews 4:16 says, “ Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.”

     While in the Navy, I was quite aware of the separation between enlisted personnel such as myself, and the officers.  Barracks were clearly marked for officers and no enlisted personnel were allowed.  On the ship, there was the “officers country” which meant  the area was for officers only.  On the base, there was the “officers club” and thee was the “gedunk” where the enlisted folks congregated.   We often find lines of separation between people for one reason or another.  One of the best spiritual examples is the Holy of Holies.

     The Holy of Holies was only to be visited by the High Priest and then, only once a year.  It  was indeed a very sacred place where the ark of the covenant was kept and the lid became the meeting place for God and the High Priest.  When the Lord Jesus Christ died that day at Calvary, the veil in the temple was torn from top to bottom.  The strength of the veil was such that two teams of oxen couldn’t have torn the veil even from bottom to top.  It was only God that tore the veil, thus giving access into the Holy of Holies.  While access to God was only once a year before that time, it was not changed.  Instead of the High Priest going to the Holy of Holies, now every believer has the potential of having access into the very throne of God, or as it is called here, the throne of grace.  In the Old Testament, you had to bring an animal to be killed and offered for your sins.  Now, in the New Testament, the Lamb of God, the Lord Jesus Christ became your sacrifice for all of your sins, past, present and future.  They were all paid for on the cross and because of that you can now go directly to the throne of grace and speak to God Himself.  You can now speak with Jehovah, Elohim, El Shaddai and so forth right in His very presence.  In so doing, we do not come flippantly, nor do we refer to Him as the “man upstairs’ but as God Himself in all of His glory.  We also notice that we come when we have a “time of need.”  I can’t think of a time when I didn't have a need!  Even the saying of grace before you eat places you into that special place, the throne of grace.  Prayers before you start the day, or prayers an night before you go to sleep and those often said prayers during the day for the needs of others or need to know the Gospel message of salvation, all place us in the throne room of Almighty God.    All you need to say is “O, Lord” or “Dear  Heavenly Father” and you are right there in His presence.  How great is that?  Praise God for giving us access to the throne of grace in time of need.

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