Sunday, January 17, 2021

Harps on Willows

           After playing a weeks long concerts at a copper mine in Chile, our band pulled into Mejillones Bay to get back on our ship and complete the cruise. We were exhausted and had about 3 hours of sleep, packed up all of our gear and headed for the bay to wait for the barge to take us back on board the ship. While at the dock, a handful of Chileans gathered to watch what was going on. The chief noticed the group and so ordered the band to break out the equipment and play a concert for them. To be honest, we were exhausted and just didn't feel like playing another note of music. Being in the navy, we did it anyway and I am sure the people liked it, all six of them. Some times, you just don't feel like playing or even singing for that matter. Psalm 137:2-4 says, "We hanged our harps upon the willows in the midst thereof. For there they that carried us away captive required of us a song; and they that wasted us required of us mirth, saying, Sing us one of the songs of Zion. How shall we sing the LORD'S song in a strange land?” 

        In today's passage, we notice that the Israelites are on their way to Babylon complete with their “harps” which were used in the worship of the LORD. At this point, there is no doubt that they were feeling rather low with the prospect of being led to a captive land and their land lying in ruin. All they had now were memories of what was and indeed everything looked so bleak that we notice here that they hung their harps upon the willows. They just didn't feel like singing anymore. Have you ever gotten tot he point that you just don't want to sing another note? We have just completed a year of a pandemic and government restrictions and turmoil in the land and then heaped upon that are all of the personal problems that probably each and everyone of us are experiencing. I have had close friends pass on into glory, which is good for them, but leaves a hole in my life and in the lives of their families and friends. Sickness, hospitals, staples and mounting bills seem to move us to “hang our harps upon the willows.” Who wants to sing when we are in such a mess? At this point however, I am reminded of the theme core of 1 Peter which to me, says, “Suffering leads to glory.” The word “glory” appears twelve times in First Peter and reminds us of that which is to come. We are reminded of the song that begins, “It will be worth it all, when we see Jesus.” Sure, many of us are feeling like hanging our harps on the willows and just giving up, but God has a different plan for all of our lives. We are steadfastly marching to Zion and our labor in the LORD is not in vain. Take a moment and reflect on what God is doing in your life even today and maybe you can pluck a few notes on your harp to give praise to God. Praise God today for the wonderful and glorious salvation that He is providing as head to gloryland.

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