Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Casting Your Cares

            There are times when I have difficulty going to sleep as I am concentrating on different things that I have to do or things that are going to be needed to be done the next day. That was the case last night. I have a procedure today that I don't care for as they inject either dye or carbon dioxide into the artery of my right left leg. Then you have to lie on your back for about 4 to 5 hours. As that loomed in my future, I found it difficult to get to sleep. When that happens, I deliberately start quoting in my mind every verse I know by memory. I often fall asleep after about ten verses. There comes that time when you have to take your own advice. First Peter 5:7 says, “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.” 

            This has always been one of my favorite verses and it says a lot begin tucked away the end of Peter's first epistle. It suddenly pops up and gives us all hope for the all of the “whatevers” that are facing us at the moment and in the time to come. For some reason, that is usually not the route that we take. The first thing that comes to mind is to try to rationalize it all away or to come up with some other route that you think might work instead of taking the obvious step. That is to give it to God in the first place. Not only do we give it to Him, we then leave it there. That is also hard to do. It would seem that we want to find our own solution just in case God is too busy for something that small. A lot of things are small when compared to what God is doing in all of the world at any given moment. Kings and kingdoms are being directed according to His will. Storms are being guided by His hand. In light of all that He is doing we might have the feeling that this little problem of a 5 hour intervention, that is what they call it, is just too small for Him to be concerned about. When we start thinking that way we need to look just how personal the passage is. It says, “...He careth for you.” He didn't use the word “world” in this case, but got down to the real personal level. He cares about you and He cares about me. We praise the Lord when we discover such a deep love for little people like us, but it is there. At the same time, we so easily drawn back to our old practice of “worry” and “despair” because of what is going on around us. It is true that there are probably over 7 billion things going on right now that God is dealing with and you and I are both one of them. Praise God today for His working in your life in every circumstance.

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