Wednesday, May 13, 2020

What's New?

         I may have mentioned before that I get a “quote of the day” sent to my email address Monday through Friday. It contains something that someone else said and which is supposedly famous. I save a lot of them but not all of them because I may not know the person who is being quoted and it is very unlikely that I would repeat what they said. In saying that, I began to think, “Is there anything to be said today that has not been said before?” When you think of all the people that are in the world today and that have been in the world up to now, can you say anything new that has not been said before? The more notable quotes come from people who are famous to begin with. The quote, “I shall return.” brings back memories of the famous General Douglas MacArthur. We probably remember when we heard the phrase in a movie, “I'll be back.” and we know who said it. Ecclesiastes 1:9 says, “ The thing that hath been, it is that which shall be; and that which is done is that which shall be done: and there is no new thing under the sun.”       
          The “Preacher” in the book of Ecclesiastes said that there was nothing new under the sun. This statement was true when it was made in the days of Solomon and is still true today. Someone once said, “History repeats itself.” Chances are that the words you put together today and utter will have been said already by someone and maybe even yourself. Why then, do we keep saying the same things over and over again. With some people the light doesn't come on right away and so the same things have to be repeated until they understand. Such is the case with some of the most important sayings of all time. I would include the statement made to Nicodemus on that night some 2000 years ago when the Lord Jesus Christ said, “Ye must be born again.” We may find ourselves quoting famous politician, military heroes and maybe our fifth grade teacher who often said, “Time will pass, will you?” She had written it under the clock. That was important only for my fifth grade year but the collection of words that Jesus uttered contain eternal significance and are applicable to this year as well as every year that has passed since they were first uttered. Some things are worth repeating and the words to Nicodemus are certainly one of the phrases that are high on the list. Life goes on day by day and we find ourselves still saying the “same old thing,” “Ye must be born again.” We keep on saying it until the person who hears the phrase realizes, “Hey, If I am going to end up in heaven, then I must be born again.” Yes. The light bulb finally comes on and the hearer understands what has been said for all those years but he disregarded it until now. So, don't lose heart and keep repeating that which is not new but that which is certainly relevant to today's people and culture. To quote the Lord Jesus Christ, Who said, “... δεῖ ὑμᾶς γεννηθῆναι ἄνωθεν.” John 3:7b which being translated says, “ must be born again.” Irregardless of what language He uttered those words, they are nonetheless one of the most important phrases ever uttered. We keep on quoting the Son of God time and time again, praying that those that hear it will indeed be born again. Praise God for His faithfulness to us in giving us the message of salvation.

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