Monday, November 11, 2019

Under New Managment

         I have an old computer that holds a trillion bites. That makes for a lot of things to store on one little disk. I replaced that computer with another computer that also will hold a trillion bites of information. One has a memory that is littered with junk while the other has a memory that is clean, that is, no junk on it. They say that once something is put on a disk in a computer, it is next to impossible to erase it. You can erase the path to get to it, but the item is still on the hard drive memory somewhere. In trying to clean up the old computer, I decided to erase many of the programs which resulted in it going back almost 20 or more layers of data and erasing files such as is in my word processor, label programs, old virus programs and the such. It is almost fun to do it but very time consuming as the computer searches for old stuff. Second Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.”
       This is a remarkable verse from God's Word. It is almost overwhelming to think of a person has being a new creature, or a new creation. It is almost like becoming a new computer with a new hard drive. We have become a new creation the moment that we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation. The penalty for all of our sins has been paid in full and our eternal destination has been guaranteed. Our memory banks, however, still contain a lot of the unpleasant junk that filled our minds in the past. We suddenly find that as believers, our minds now possess new desires. We now have a desire to know more about God and His Word and we have new desires to be around new people. In a similar manner as with the computer hard disk, it is difficult to erase a picture or memory that was written many years ago. A situation, a smell, a sight can all trigger things from the past and we may wonder where they came from at the time since it is no longer a part of our life. It may cause us to shudder for a moment, but then we proclaim that it has been paid for by the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and go on. Satan and his army will always like to dig up the dirt of your life before you were saved to try to keep you from being a productive believer but one needs to immediately realize that the act or picture has been paid for and is included in those words, “It is Finished.” When your past is brought up again and again by certain events or even people, just remember what Jesus did for you on the cross and the empty tomb. Be thankful that you are indeed a “new creation” in God. Praise Him for His working in your life and especially for the salvation that you have in Him.

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