Sunday, January 6, 2019

The Best Instructor

     There are many things in this life that I have no idea how to do.  I can't fly a plane.  I can't play a French Horn.  I can't weld to pieces of metal together.  I could go on forever trying to list all of the things of which I have absolutely no knowledge how to do.  It would  be a lot easier to list the things that I can do than to go over the list of things I am not able to do.  If, however, I decided to do something that was out of my realm of knowledge, I would look for an instructor.  I would look for a person who had the skill to do the thing that was new to me.  While at Indiana University, I had the honor of taking bassoon lessons from a man that knew how to play the bassoon.  His name was Roy Houser and while he was a tad strange in some ways, He could play the bassoon and he was my teacher.  He could play a musical passage and then say, "This is the way it is to be played."  There are those teachers, or instructors, or professors, that are excellent in their field and can teach others.  God has not left us without instruction in the area of our spiritual life.  First Corinthians 10:11 says, " Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come." 
        God gave us many examples, both positive and negative, as to how things should be done.  The Old Testament is filled with the record of God's dealing with His people, Israel.  He has shown us how things can be done and what happens when thins go as they are supposed to go and then what happens when things don't go as they should.  The passage for today comes at the close of a list of things that had taken place in the Old Testament.  It is then stated that these things happened in order to be examples and that they were written in order to be an admonition to us.  As we go through the the Old Testament, we see both blessings and curses, the good and the bad, as God dealt with a rebellious people who were excellent at complaining and murmuring at the slightest thing.  They saw miracle after miracle and yet complained constantly at what was taking place in their lives.  They say no beauty and only recalled how good things were when they were in oppression.  They remembered the leeks, the cucumbers and all the rest of the good things, while not recalling the oppression under which they lived.  Does that sound familiar?  We often do the same.  We are able to see God's handiwork all around us and still ask the question, "Is there really a God?  Every element gets heavier when it it in solid form, except one.  Water.  When water becomes solid, it floats.  Ask yourself why that is and why did God make it that way.  Praise God today that He is our Great Teacher in all things.

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