Tuesday, October 16, 2018

In The Last Days...

         There have been times in my life where I was involved in a conversation with a person about things of the LORD.  Some of those times, even quite recently, left me feeling as if I wouldn't know where to begin.  Now, I know that I am not a whiz on knowing spiritual things but the evidence in those conversations  were all over the Bible and had no connection with each other.  As one pastor once said, there are many people who regard spiritual things as a cafeteria and they can just go and pick and choose what they want and then leave the rest.  We know that to be an untrue statement in that we cannot just pick the good things and then push that which we don't like to the side and forget about it.  People like to think that everyone will end up in the same place and that they will all enjoy an eternity with a loving, grandfather like, god.  They like heaven, but they leave out the fact of judgment.  They also leave out the reality of hell and of the large number of people who are going to end up in that place of eternal torment.  Second Timothy 3:1 says, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come." 
         You all remember this passage quite well and know that it is just the beginning statement of the passage which goes through verse five.  The passage, Second Timothy 3:1-5 is a picture of today's society and their willingness to forget God and His instructions for us.  Verse 5 does remind us that the people will have a form of godliness.  There will be an occasional reference to God here and there.  They will be small bits of truth but surrounded with a large amount of false theories.  Our buildings will be majestic and our music will be superb with the sounds of choirs and large numbers of musicians on various instruments.  Our Clergy will look spiritual decked out in great robes and hats and carrying large scepters of gold and silver.  Oh, it will look like the real thing and people will flock to be a part of it all.  They will quote a part of a verse here and there and will proclaim that "God is love."   As Paul wrote so many years ago, it is merely a form of godliness.  As you read the entire passage, verses one through five, just reflect on what is taking place around you today and in the days to come.  It is clear that we are in the last days and have been for some time but the church today has become numb to the sin around it and now even inside of it.  People are slipping into eternity all around us.  Are you praying for them?  Are you praying for those around you that do not know the Savior?  Are you concerned about the final Great White Throne Judgment?  Are you willing to pray, to speak a word, to do a deed for those who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior?  Praise God for salvation and for His Word to us, the Holy Bible.

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