Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Have a new Eye Pad?

       It is interesting to see the number of words that now have a completely different meaning than they did a number of years ago.  People now have IPads and IPhones which led to someone coming up with a picture of a four inch bandage being held up to his head and stating that it was his new "eye" phone.  Other words and expressions have also changed over the years such as grass, weed, and dope.  The usage of some of the new words or expressions can get you into trouble.  I found that to be especially true during a morning meeting at a recent job.  I made a simple comment and people began to laugh and I had no idea what they were laughing about.  One of the new expressions had placed me in trouble.  There are very few things or expressions that remain the same over time.  Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever."   
        This statement is one of the most rewarding and trustworthy statements as we know that the Lord Jesus Christ does not change.  There is no need for Him to change over time or to adopt new methods or change His appearance, or to act differently in different situations.  Christ is probably one of the few persons that does not change.  Some might say, "Well, Beethoven hasn't changed in the last 100 years or that Martin Luther has not changed in the last 400 years.  They haven't changed because they are dead.  Christ however, is alive. He did not become just a dot in the timeline of history.  He is eternal and His regard for sin and the method of salvation and the Gospel message are just as they were over 2000 years ago.  It is a comfort to all believers to grasp hold of this precious truth.  We can look at the words of Christ that we have in the Scriptures and realize that He backs up His Word because He does not change.  When was the last time that you looked in the Scripture and underlined a promise on which you can grab hold?  We can find hope in statements like, "I will come again."  or, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." or, "My grace is sufficient..."  While the words of the world can change depending on the circumstances of the hour, the Word of God never has changed nor will it change.  The Lord Jesus Christ is the only person on whom the warranty has not expired.  Praise God today for those things which remain constant through Him.

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