you ever feel that you need to be
rescued? I have had several times in my life where a rescue squad was
called to assist me during a physical difficulty. We see everyday
people who are being rescued from different types
of situations whether they be storm, automobile accidents, fire or any
number of
natural disasters. People often need to be physically rescued from all
kinds of different occurrences in their lives. We have even named a
portion of our volunteer fire department, "The Rescue Squad." Their
function is to help people who are in some kind of distress. The idea
being "rescued" is also seen in the Scripture. Psalm 35:17 says,
"Lord, how long wilt thou look on? Rescue my
soul from their destructions, my only one from the young lions."
Psalmist wanted to be rescued from the "destruction" that was about to
place in his life. He wanted his soul to be rescued. There are
plenty of situations today whereby we might also cry out to the Lord to
us. There are those situations whereby we are in harm's way when we cry
out to be rescued. There are also those times when we have over
our day and we wonder how we are going to get everything done that we
planned to do that day. There are schedules, business trips, meetings,
things to buy or to fix. The list can go on and on. We may even feel
that we are at the end of our rope, so to speak, and that we just need
to be
rescued from the hectic life style in which we find ourselves. It is
comforting for us to know that we, too, can cry out to the Lord and ask
"rescue." So, if you find yourself under a lot of pressure today,
just ask the Lord to "rescue you." You will not be disappointed and you
find rest when the Lord puts things together and gives you peace about
Oh, you won't become a "superman" and get everything done, but you may
find that
with God at the head of your schedule, your priorities will be much
different. Praise God that He will rescue us in the time of difficulty.
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Wednesday, August 29, 2018
Have a new Eye Pad?
It is interesting to see the number of words that now have a
completely different meaning than they did a number of years ago.
People now have IPads and IPhones which led to someone coming up with a
picture of a four inch bandage being held up to his head and stating
that it was his new "eye" phone. Other words and expressions have also
changed over the years such as grass, weed, and dope. The usage of some
of the new words or expressions can get you into trouble. I found that
to be especially true during a morning meeting at a recent job. I made
a simple comment and people began to laugh and I had no idea what they
were laughing about. One of the new expressions had placed me in
trouble. There are very few things or expressions that remain the same
over time. Hebrews 13:8 says, "Jesus Christ the same yesterday,
and to day, and for ever."
This statement is one of the most rewarding and trustworthy statements as we know that the Lord Jesus Christ does not change. There is no need for Him to change over time or to adopt new methods or change His appearance, or to act differently in different situations. Christ is probably one of the few persons that does not change. Some might say, "Well, Beethoven hasn't changed in the last 100 years or that Martin Luther has not changed in the last 400 years. They haven't changed because they are dead. Christ however, is alive. He did not become just a dot in the timeline of history. He is eternal and His regard for sin and the method of salvation and the Gospel message are just as they were over 2000 years ago. It is a comfort to all believers to grasp hold of this precious truth. We can look at the words of Christ that we have in the Scriptures and realize that He backs up His Word because He does not change. When was the last time that you looked in the Scripture and underlined a promise on which you can grab hold? We can find hope in statements like, "I will come again." or, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." or, "My grace is sufficient..." While the words of the world can change depending on the circumstances of the hour, the Word of God never has changed nor will it change. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only person on whom the warranty has not expired. Praise God today for those things which remain constant through Him.
This statement is one of the most rewarding and trustworthy statements as we know that the Lord Jesus Christ does not change. There is no need for Him to change over time or to adopt new methods or change His appearance, or to act differently in different situations. Christ is probably one of the few persons that does not change. Some might say, "Well, Beethoven hasn't changed in the last 100 years or that Martin Luther has not changed in the last 400 years. They haven't changed because they are dead. Christ however, is alive. He did not become just a dot in the timeline of history. He is eternal and His regard for sin and the method of salvation and the Gospel message are just as they were over 2000 years ago. It is a comfort to all believers to grasp hold of this precious truth. We can look at the words of Christ that we have in the Scriptures and realize that He backs up His Word because He does not change. When was the last time that you looked in the Scripture and underlined a promise on which you can grab hold? We can find hope in statements like, "I will come again." or, "I will never leave you nor forsake you." or, "My grace is sufficient..." While the words of the world can change depending on the circumstances of the hour, the Word of God never has changed nor will it change. The Lord Jesus Christ is the only person on whom the warranty has not expired. Praise God today for those things which remain constant through Him.
Tuesday, August 28, 2018
There are some things in the world today that just exist by God's own
plan. Take for instance the oyster that simply sits in the water and
perchance something comes by that can be used as food for this small
living creature. It has no legs or fins or any means of propulsion. It
just sits there. I sincerely doubt that the oyster thinks about hope
that something will come by for its food source. I also see very little
evidence of many of God's living creatures having "hope" in the world
today. Man, however, has been created differently and therefore can
hope and express a desire for hope in his or her life. Psalm 130:5
says, " I wait for the LORD, my soul doth wait, and in his word do I hope."
In Hebrews 11, in the faith chapter, the writer expressed that faith is the substance of things hoped for. the word "hope" occurs some 130 times in the Bible and is especially linked to God's Word in the Book of Psalms and elsewhere. While so many of God's creatures merely exist because of God's handiwork, we can find assurance in the very Word of God. I have faith in God and what He will do in my life and that faith is based on the Scriptures. Hope, for the average person of the world, is based on something happening to them or receiving something for absolutely no reason. Such hope is often expressed in the long lines to purchase a lottery ticket in hope of winning a large amount of money. Hope for the world exists in receiving something for nothing such as a new car or a new home. For the believer, our hope exists because of the promises of God's Word. This is the hope that gets us through the day and through the adversity that appears so often in our lives. The words of the hymn come to mind that says, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." He is our rock and our salvation. So, maybe you find yourself today in a situation where things look bleak and dark and filled with despair. If so, you can find hope in God's Word. We can find comfort for today's anxieties in His Word. The opposite is certainly true in that when we find that we seem to be hopeless and at the end of our rope, we have not been in His Word. It is as though we are living in a desert with no help in sight. When you begin your day make sure you have your daily dose of God's Word. Praise God today for His Word and for the hope that He gives to each and every believer.
In Hebrews 11, in the faith chapter, the writer expressed that faith is the substance of things hoped for. the word "hope" occurs some 130 times in the Bible and is especially linked to God's Word in the Book of Psalms and elsewhere. While so many of God's creatures merely exist because of God's handiwork, we can find assurance in the very Word of God. I have faith in God and what He will do in my life and that faith is based on the Scriptures. Hope, for the average person of the world, is based on something happening to them or receiving something for absolutely no reason. Such hope is often expressed in the long lines to purchase a lottery ticket in hope of winning a large amount of money. Hope for the world exists in receiving something for nothing such as a new car or a new home. For the believer, our hope exists because of the promises of God's Word. This is the hope that gets us through the day and through the adversity that appears so often in our lives. The words of the hymn come to mind that says, "My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness." He is our rock and our salvation. So, maybe you find yourself today in a situation where things look bleak and dark and filled with despair. If so, you can find hope in God's Word. We can find comfort for today's anxieties in His Word. The opposite is certainly true in that when we find that we seem to be hopeless and at the end of our rope, we have not been in His Word. It is as though we are living in a desert with no help in sight. When you begin your day make sure you have your daily dose of God's Word. Praise God today for His Word and for the hope that He gives to each and every believer.
Monday, August 27, 2018
God's Omniscience
We often try to figure out what people's license mean or the cute
expressions that use a combination of numbers and letters to form a
statement. It becomes a past time at the traffic light to try to figure
out what they are trying to say. When we came out of church recently,
we noticed that the car next to us had Prov 27:1 as the license plate.
It's probably not the most well known verses to use on a license plate
and we mentioned the verse to the owner of the car who then quoted it to
us. Proverbs 27:1 says, "Boast not thyself of to morrow; for thou knowest not what a day may bring forth."
The meaning of this verse isn't going to jump out at you as does John 3:16 or Philippians 4:8. The Biblical statement however is just as true as any other statement from the Scriptures. The Book of Proverbs describes many facets of the relationship of one person to another. It is a contrast to the Book of Psalms which describes more our relationship between man and God. While one Book speaks on a vertical level, the other one speaks on a horizontal level. The statement of Proverbs 27:1 certainly is a reminder of the frailty of life and how one day can change your situation in a moment. We often go about in life making all kinds of plans, some far and some near. You might have work projects scheduled around your property or you may have things that are on your schedule the next day. In a couple of hours, I have an appointment in the medical establishment for some blood work that needs to be done. God however, can change that and He, and He only knows what and when things are going to take place. I have always felt that it is good to plan and not to just have no goals in your life but at the same time it is far better to realize that God can and often does change things in a moment. So, what's on your agenda today? You might accomplish your goals for today or God may take you on a different route. Either way, it is always exciting to watch God work in your life and to see at the end of the day, what God has brought forth. Praise God today for His guidance in all of our lives.
The meaning of this verse isn't going to jump out at you as does John 3:16 or Philippians 4:8. The Biblical statement however is just as true as any other statement from the Scriptures. The Book of Proverbs describes many facets of the relationship of one person to another. It is a contrast to the Book of Psalms which describes more our relationship between man and God. While one Book speaks on a vertical level, the other one speaks on a horizontal level. The statement of Proverbs 27:1 certainly is a reminder of the frailty of life and how one day can change your situation in a moment. We often go about in life making all kinds of plans, some far and some near. You might have work projects scheduled around your property or you may have things that are on your schedule the next day. In a couple of hours, I have an appointment in the medical establishment for some blood work that needs to be done. God however, can change that and He, and He only knows what and when things are going to take place. I have always felt that it is good to plan and not to just have no goals in your life but at the same time it is far better to realize that God can and often does change things in a moment. So, what's on your agenda today? You might accomplish your goals for today or God may take you on a different route. Either way, it is always exciting to watch God work in your life and to see at the end of the day, what God has brought forth. Praise God today for His guidance in all of our lives.
Sunday, August 26, 2018
Hopefully, I learned a lot at college. One thing I learned right
at the beginning was that the professor was sovereign in his classroom.
There was to be no declaring that the professor was unfair or could not
do whatsoever he wanted in the class. I took some classes during the
summer that were only two weeks long. I started on Monday facing a
mid-term on Friday with a final exam on the next Friday. There was
another class where the professor required each student to prepare a
long chart of the complete book that we were studying mapping out
repeated themes and words throughout the book. Some of these charts
were twenty feet long and written on "butcher" paper. There were many
that complained but the answer was always in the sovereignty of the
professor in his class. He could require whatever he wanted to
require. We also learn something about sovereignty when we observe just
how God works in our lives. Genesis18:25 says, "That be far from
thee to do after this manner, to slay the righteous with the wicked:
and that the righteous should be as the wicked, that be far from thee:
Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?"
There may be those times when we have a desire to declare that God is unfair in His dealings with people. We might be quick to declare how we would do things if we were in charge and with our minimal knowledge of the situation. The scene in Genesis 18 is the bargaining of Abraham with God in regard to Sodom. The dialogue contains the above statement, "...Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" The statement declares that whatever God does is going to be right. God is the Creator of everything in the universe and of course everything that He does is right. Abraham pleaded with God and went from fifty to ten righteous people in Sodom and if there had been ten righteous people, God would have spared the city, but there wasn't. We know the outcome. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and in that judgment, we declare that God is Sovereign. If that were the only characteristic that God had, we might be fearful, but God is also just, and holy, and omniscient, and omnipotent, and omnipresent, and love, and truth. Yes, God's characteristics don't just stop with His Sovereignty but include all that He is and thus we can echo the words of Abraham, "...shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" It is a rhetorical question. Yes, God always does right even in the things that we sit and wonder about. So, praise God today for His sovereignty as we see His handiwork each and every day.
There may be those times when we have a desire to declare that God is unfair in His dealings with people. We might be quick to declare how we would do things if we were in charge and with our minimal knowledge of the situation. The scene in Genesis 18 is the bargaining of Abraham with God in regard to Sodom. The dialogue contains the above statement, "...Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" The statement declares that whatever God does is going to be right. God is the Creator of everything in the universe and of course everything that He does is right. Abraham pleaded with God and went from fifty to ten righteous people in Sodom and if there had been ten righteous people, God would have spared the city, but there wasn't. We know the outcome. Sodom and Gomorrah were destroyed and in that judgment, we declare that God is Sovereign. If that were the only characteristic that God had, we might be fearful, but God is also just, and holy, and omniscient, and omnipotent, and omnipresent, and love, and truth. Yes, God's characteristics don't just stop with His Sovereignty but include all that He is and thus we can echo the words of Abraham, "...shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" It is a rhetorical question. Yes, God always does right even in the things that we sit and wonder about. So, praise God today for His sovereignty as we see His handiwork each and every day.
Thursday, August 23, 2018
A Mind To Work
The impossible things seem to get done fast when people put
their minds to it. I have had some projects that seem to be impossible
to begin with but as the day or days go by, they get done. My first
project as a young kid, was unloading a full load of corn into the corn
crib after school. In the beginning, you couldn't even get the shovel
into the wagon bed as it was full of corn. You had to clear away enough
space to get that first scoop of corn out and then you could keep going
hindered only by the nail heads that were sticking up in the wooden
wagon bed. I had to keep going as it was getting darker and darker and
the faster I could go, the faster the wagon would be emptied and the
quicker I would get my quarter. Nehemiah 4:6 says, "So built we the wall; and all the wall was joined together unto the half thereof: for the people had a mind to work."
The Israelites came back to an impossible project. The walls of the
city had been destroyed and they had to be built back up. This verse
reminds us of the attitude that they had in doing this work. Simply
put, they had a mind to work. later on, we read in Nehemiah 6:15, " So
the wall was finished in the twenty and fifth day of the month Elul, in
fifty and two days."
In less than two months, the work was finished. They had plenty of reasons to slow down and even to quit but they didn't. The description of the workers was that they had a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. They were ready to either build or fight, but they were not going to quit. It's easy to get discouraged in our projects for today. You might be facing a project that will seemingly take you forever to finish and you may just want to quit with a "Well, what's the use" attitude. What you need then, is a "mind to work." You certainly will be criticized by those around you who say that you will never get it done. We had a man in Gloucester county who was building a house all by himself. Each day he would do a little more and as he did it, everyone was criticizing that he was doing either this or that wrong. It didn't stop him. He kept working, brick by brick and then finally put the roof on. He got more criticism but the house kept taking shape day by day. May we have the attitude that the Israelites had our projects for the LORD because we have a mind to work. Praise God that He gives us the strength to accomplish all things through Him.
In less than two months, the work was finished. They had plenty of reasons to slow down and even to quit but they didn't. The description of the workers was that they had a trowel in one hand and a sword in the other. They were ready to either build or fight, but they were not going to quit. It's easy to get discouraged in our projects for today. You might be facing a project that will seemingly take you forever to finish and you may just want to quit with a "Well, what's the use" attitude. What you need then, is a "mind to work." You certainly will be criticized by those around you who say that you will never get it done. We had a man in Gloucester county who was building a house all by himself. Each day he would do a little more and as he did it, everyone was criticizing that he was doing either this or that wrong. It didn't stop him. He kept working, brick by brick and then finally put the roof on. He got more criticism but the house kept taking shape day by day. May we have the attitude that the Israelites had our projects for the LORD because we have a mind to work. Praise God that He gives us the strength to accomplish all things through Him.
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Price
I recently saw an article about the price of things in Venezuela and
showed a picture of a stack of money required to purchase one item, such
as a chicken, a roll of toilet paper or a pound of butter. The stack
of money was way out of proportion considering the item being purchased.
Would you
consider paying $1,000 for a box of crackers? Would you consider
paying $2,000 for a T-shirt? While these prices seem ridiculous,
there are, in this world, some things that really don't seem
There are some who make salaries that are way out of proportion for the
rendered. Some make millions of dollars for doing very little.
The election campaign several years ago, saw both candidates spending
over a billion dollars
each. That means that the two of them combined have spend
$2,000,000,000. Now, that's a lot of money. For instance, at $25,000
each, you could send 80,000 missionaries into the world for one full
Now, if you were sending out national missionaries at $1,000 per year,
you could
send 2 million missionaries into the world. Jesus asked a question that
bears looking at. Matthew 16:26 says, "For what is a man profited,
if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a
give in exchange for his soul?"
What is the value of a soul? Obviously, it is far more important than an election or a sports hero or an expensive box of crackers. Jesus proposed that if a person had gained everything that there was in the world, and still came to the end and forfeited his soul, his accumulation of wealth would be worthless. We often hear the cute story that you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer behind it. Ecclesiastes 5:15 reminds us, As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand. " All of your accumulation of "things" will be left behind. So, what is the value of your soul, or that of your neighbor, or that of the man, woman, boy and girl on the other side of the earth? While things may be out of proportion in this world, there is a reminder from God's Word that we should be about the business of proclaiming His message in order that men and women, boys and girls might be saved. Be ready today to share your faith with someone. Ask God to place someone in your path today where you might be used to share something. After all, it won't cost you anything to do it. Praise God for the free gift of salvation and also praise Him for the price His Son paid for that gift.
What is the value of a soul? Obviously, it is far more important than an election or a sports hero or an expensive box of crackers. Jesus proposed that if a person had gained everything that there was in the world, and still came to the end and forfeited his soul, his accumulation of wealth would be worthless. We often hear the cute story that you never see a hearse pulling a U-Haul trailer behind it. Ecclesiastes 5:15 reminds us, As he came forth of his mother's womb, naked shall he return to go as he came, and shall take nothing of his labour, which he may carry away in his hand. " All of your accumulation of "things" will be left behind. So, what is the value of your soul, or that of your neighbor, or that of the man, woman, boy and girl on the other side of the earth? While things may be out of proportion in this world, there is a reminder from God's Word that we should be about the business of proclaiming His message in order that men and women, boys and girls might be saved. Be ready today to share your faith with someone. Ask God to place someone in your path today where you might be used to share something. After all, it won't cost you anything to do it. Praise God for the free gift of salvation and also praise Him for the price His Son paid for that gift.
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
people's lives don't remain the same
for very long. There may be times when things seem to go the same but
if there is one thing sure, your life will soon change. People's
lives are much like the weather. If you are not happy with the weather,
just wait a few minutes and you will see it change. The Doppler Weather
Rock is real and is on my patio in two pieces. It broke one day but
has an inscription on it stating that it is the Doppler Weather Rock.
If I want to know what the weather is, I look at the little rock. It is
only accurate in that one moment in which you look at it. A clear
sky will
soon cloud up and rain will happen. Then, the clouds will break and
the sun will shine brightly. The same thing is true with our
lives. It all has to do with a common element that all believers seem
experience. It is the experience of "suffering." Most believers will
say that they don't enjoy suffering. Who would enjoy having what seems
be, bad things happen to them. But, there is a purpose for it all and
often lead to greater things. First Peter 1:7 says, "That
trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that
though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and
glory at
the appearing of Jesus Christ:"
If you were to give a one line evaluation of First Peter, it might read, "Suffering leads to glory." Twelve times, the apostle Peter used the word "glory" in this first epistle. Almost all of the occasions are connected to suffering. Peter pointed out that while suffering is undoubtedly going to take place, it will give way to the greater experience, that of glory. Sooner or later, you might experience sickness, grief, frustration, discouragement or depression. King David experienced many of these things yet he gave us instructions in the Psalms by his example in that he would cry out to God for help during those times. The same is true for us today. Peter reminds us that it is the trying of our faith that leads to our suffering. While we might think that we are where we want to be spiritually, God has other plans for us. He is molding us into what He wants us to be. This often includes a certain amount of suffering. The "glory" part can't be seen at this time. Notice that it becomes apparent at the "appearing of Christ." While it might be difficult to say, remember that suffering does lead to glory. So keep looking to God in every experience that you have. He is there and He is not silent. Praise God today for His molding of each of our lives. As on church I know often says, "Scripture and Prayer to conform us to the image of Christ.
If you were to give a one line evaluation of First Peter, it might read, "Suffering leads to glory." Twelve times, the apostle Peter used the word "glory" in this first epistle. Almost all of the occasions are connected to suffering. Peter pointed out that while suffering is undoubtedly going to take place, it will give way to the greater experience, that of glory. Sooner or later, you might experience sickness, grief, frustration, discouragement or depression. King David experienced many of these things yet he gave us instructions in the Psalms by his example in that he would cry out to God for help during those times. The same is true for us today. Peter reminds us that it is the trying of our faith that leads to our suffering. While we might think that we are where we want to be spiritually, God has other plans for us. He is molding us into what He wants us to be. This often includes a certain amount of suffering. The "glory" part can't be seen at this time. Notice that it becomes apparent at the "appearing of Christ." While it might be difficult to say, remember that suffering does lead to glory. So keep looking to God in every experience that you have. He is there and He is not silent. Praise God today for His molding of each of our lives. As on church I know often says, "Scripture and Prayer to conform us to the image of Christ.
Monday, August 20, 2018
Just Ask!
Refills on soft drink are usually free but not all the time,
especially when they have to be refilled by the cashier. My wife and I
were in a place where the drinks were filled by the one person behind
the cash register. I didn't see how one could get a refill and so
didn't say anything about it. Then, one day, I noticed a sign that
read, "The only price for a refill is patience." I thought that was a
good statement and so now when I go, I can get a refill. If I had asked
the question to begin with, I would have known their policy on refills.
Sometimes, it just pays to ask especially when you think of the
abundant blessings that are available to the believer in the Lord Jesus
Christ. Matthew 7:7 says, "Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:"
This section of Scripture from the sermon on the mount gives us the answer to many of our problems. God has given us the blessings but we often fail to ask Him. I have noticed that things just don't drop into your lap when you have needs but God has already supplied all that we need. I am reminded about the man who purchased a ticket on a large ship and took along a lot of peanut butter and bread for the trip. What he failed to realize was that the full supply of the ships meals were free to each and every ticket holder. Instead of enjoying the feast, he ate peanut butter for the whole trip. Many believers go through life failing to enjoy all of the blessings that God supplies to us. Philippians 4:19 assures us that God will supply all of our needs. Philippians 4:13 also says that we can do all things through Christ Who gives us the strength. Ephesians 1 reminds us of the spiritual blessings that we have in high places. Galatians 2 20-21 reminds us that we are crucified with Christ. Second Corinthians 12 reminds us that God's grace is sufficient for every problem of life. Hebrews 4 tells us that we can go to the very throne room to find God's help in time of need. The Book of Revelation reminds us of the blessings to come in heaven. So, there are many benefits that are comforting in a life of despair. May we not forget all of the blessings that God has so richly supplied His children. Praise God for being there for all of our needs.
This section of Scripture from the sermon on the mount gives us the answer to many of our problems. God has given us the blessings but we often fail to ask Him. I have noticed that things just don't drop into your lap when you have needs but God has already supplied all that we need. I am reminded about the man who purchased a ticket on a large ship and took along a lot of peanut butter and bread for the trip. What he failed to realize was that the full supply of the ships meals were free to each and every ticket holder. Instead of enjoying the feast, he ate peanut butter for the whole trip. Many believers go through life failing to enjoy all of the blessings that God supplies to us. Philippians 4:19 assures us that God will supply all of our needs. Philippians 4:13 also says that we can do all things through Christ Who gives us the strength. Ephesians 1 reminds us of the spiritual blessings that we have in high places. Galatians 2 20-21 reminds us that we are crucified with Christ. Second Corinthians 12 reminds us that God's grace is sufficient for every problem of life. Hebrews 4 tells us that we can go to the very throne room to find God's help in time of need. The Book of Revelation reminds us of the blessings to come in heaven. So, there are many benefits that are comforting in a life of despair. May we not forget all of the blessings that God has so richly supplied His children. Praise God for being there for all of our needs.
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Right Thinking
Puzzles are fun and can be a waste of time. I get a number of
puzzles on the computer where you have to find the Letter "F" in a page
of "E's" or find the chicken that is different from 99 other chickens.
You keep looking until you find the one different one and if you did it
in less than one minute, you are a genius. That's what they say. I
recently had some photographs taken for a church directory and received a
disc with the regular photos and the "enhanced" photos. The enhanced
ones have no moles, dark spots, red spots or any other weird looking
skin irritations on them. After using one pose in a social media page,
one observer replied, "Oh, Mr. Freeland, you just never age." It is
amazing what you can do with photo programs these days on the computer.
You begin to think that it is difficult to spot that which is real and
that which is not real. The Apostle Paul reminded the congregation at
Philippi, that they should focus on that which is real and gave them the
following qualities on which to focus. Philippians 4:8 says, " Finally,
brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest,
whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any
virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things."
We come across many things in our lives that seem to be like the rest, but there is a difference that should be noted but it is hard to see. Paul reminds us to focus our thinking on the qualities that are mentioned in the above verse. You shouldn't spend time thinking about the bad things in life or the gossip that hurts people, or the things that are just a little off, but we are to think of those things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. A person who spreads false statements can't wait to find a person who will listen. You may also find yourself reading the headlines of the tabloids located in the supermarket check out lane or listening to comments of people on the television or radio. When it comes to talking and writing, we find it easier to spread that which is not true, or that which is almost true but has more falsehood in it than truth. So, where do we find those things in which we are to submerge our minds? You guessed it! The Bible, the Word of God, has the truth in it and has had it for over 2000 years and even longer when you consider the age of the Ten Commandments. Praise God today for His Word. May we renew our minds with it each and every day.
We come across many things in our lives that seem to be like the rest, but there is a difference that should be noted but it is hard to see. Paul reminds us to focus our thinking on the qualities that are mentioned in the above verse. You shouldn't spend time thinking about the bad things in life or the gossip that hurts people, or the things that are just a little off, but we are to think of those things which are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, and of a good report. A person who spreads false statements can't wait to find a person who will listen. You may also find yourself reading the headlines of the tabloids located in the supermarket check out lane or listening to comments of people on the television or radio. When it comes to talking and writing, we find it easier to spread that which is not true, or that which is almost true but has more falsehood in it than truth. So, where do we find those things in which we are to submerge our minds? You guessed it! The Bible, the Word of God, has the truth in it and has had it for over 2000 years and even longer when you consider the age of the Ten Commandments. Praise God today for His Word. May we renew our minds with it each and every day.
Thursday, August 16, 2018
The Pruning
I have noticed in
life that things just don't make themselves. When I was younger, I
would purchase a model airplane in a box that might have fifty or sixty
different parts. It will stay that way until I put it together. If
you want to make
something, you have to take some tools and begin the process and then
after a
while, the thing that you desire begins to take shape. I once watched
a man making a wooden bucket out of boards and metal bands. At first,
nothing looked like a bucket but then after placing the boards together,
bucket began to take shape. If the man had stopped at that point, the
bucket still would not have been able to hold water. He kept working
each piece was perfect, or at least as perfect as he could get them.
does the same thing to us. God is perfecting us into that which He
for our life. Each life is different, but the process is much the same.
First Peter 5:10 says, "But the God of
grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory by Christ Jesus, after
that ye
have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish, strengthen, settle
you." The process for each believer consists of suffering of one
kind or another. The first epistle of Peter has much to say about
suffering and how it relates to the believer. You could give this
the name, "Suffering Leads to Glory."
Each bit of suffering is used by God to "perfect, stablish, strengthen and settle us." We have a large bush in the back of our house and our Son, trimmed it even to the point that we could see all of the branches intertwined together, in and out. Some branches had to be cut off. I look at the bottom of that bush and see "Life." There are many aspects that go in and out of our lives everyday. Some of them involved suffering. Suffering is never pleasant, but it does have it's rewards. To be made perfect, is to be made mature. While we will never attain absolute perfection this side of heaven, we are still a part of the process. Along with being made perfect are the other benefits of suffering. The word "settle" has the meaning of being on a sure foundation. You are being established on a firm foundation. Our foundation is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The process of suffering, which produces the perfecting of our faith and the strengthening, is that which hurts at times. As the man used the blades to form the bucket and as a sculptor uses a hammer and a chisel to create art out of stone, so God is forming us through the daily sufferings of this life. If stone or wood could talk, it would probably say that it doesn't like the blows that shape it. We often reply in much the same way. Suffering is never pleasant but the fact that it leads to glory makes it worth it all. Suffering is temporary when compared with the rewards of eternity. So, when suffering enters your life, remember that you are being formed into that which God wants and He is doing it one bit at a time. As Philippians 1:6 reminds us, we are His workmanship and He will continue His work in us until we are complete in Him. Praise God today for His working in your life and shaping you into what you are today and tomorrow.
Each bit of suffering is used by God to "perfect, stablish, strengthen and settle us." We have a large bush in the back of our house and our Son, trimmed it even to the point that we could see all of the branches intertwined together, in and out. Some branches had to be cut off. I look at the bottom of that bush and see "Life." There are many aspects that go in and out of our lives everyday. Some of them involved suffering. Suffering is never pleasant, but it does have it's rewards. To be made perfect, is to be made mature. While we will never attain absolute perfection this side of heaven, we are still a part of the process. Along with being made perfect are the other benefits of suffering. The word "settle" has the meaning of being on a sure foundation. You are being established on a firm foundation. Our foundation is none other than the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The process of suffering, which produces the perfecting of our faith and the strengthening, is that which hurts at times. As the man used the blades to form the bucket and as a sculptor uses a hammer and a chisel to create art out of stone, so God is forming us through the daily sufferings of this life. If stone or wood could talk, it would probably say that it doesn't like the blows that shape it. We often reply in much the same way. Suffering is never pleasant but the fact that it leads to glory makes it worth it all. Suffering is temporary when compared with the rewards of eternity. So, when suffering enters your life, remember that you are being formed into that which God wants and He is doing it one bit at a time. As Philippians 1:6 reminds us, we are His workmanship and He will continue His work in us until we are complete in Him. Praise God today for His working in your life and shaping you into what you are today and tomorrow.
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
I'll Understand it Better By and By
It seems that there are many men who like to look inside of things and see how they work. I am much the same way. When something breaks, I often take it completely apart. Maybe I don't have hopes of fixing it, but maybe I will understand how it works. Of course there are many things that I don't understand. I don't understand tax instructions and I don't understand the wordy clauses in my insurance policies. I don't understand how a 747 can fly nor can I understand how the bumble bee flies. I don't understand how a television works when pictures are sent through the air and I don't understand how a human heart keeps beating. I don't understand everything about heaven and hell and I don't understand everything about death and living. I am, however, a part of all of them whether I understand it or not. God will not excuse me from death just because I don't understand all that there is to understand. One of the greatest things I don't understand is how my sin could be imputed to Jesus Christ and His righteousness could be imputed to me when I was born again. I guess I am in good company because a great man named Nicodemus had the same questions. Now, Nicodemus should have known the answer but he didn't so Jesus told him plainly what to do. John 3:3 says, "Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God."
There are going to be a lot of things in this life that we will know a lot about, but we won't understand everything that there is to know about hardly any of them. I understand that if I have a good battery and fuel in my car, it should start when I turn the key. I understand that my furnace will heat my house be burning an invisible gas that comes to me in a pipe. I understand that if I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ that He came to die for my sins, in my place, on the cross of Calvary, then I will have eternal life. Oh, I don't understand it all but I do understand what God has said in His Word in Acts 16:31. "And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved, and thy house." I don't need to understand all of the workings that go on but I do need to accept the truth that God has given me. You may find that there are a lot of things that you do understand and probably just as many things that you don't understand in this life. Remember however, that your understanding doesn't change the fact that they are perfectly right. The problem sometimes comes when people try to reason things according to their own thinking. So, praise God today for His workings in your life in spite of whether you understand it or not.
Tuesday, August 14, 2018
Defense! Defense!
Having just spent a good week end studying on the Ten Commandments
with good preaching and studies in the evening, I endeavored to really
do good on Monday. One of the obvious points in the study is that Satan
is the father of lies. We all know that and expect it. Well, Monday
started and I lasted about 2 hours. It was probably shorter than that,
but that's when the Monday morning blow hit. I yelled at my wife which
required an apology later and the rest of the day went down hill from
there. A feeling of unworthiness set in and right away the father of
lies was blowing me out of the water with each salvo from his arsenal.
Later on in the day, in fact while I was in bed, a review of the days
events led me to realize that I had forgotten about the whole book of
Ephesians and especially about the defense we have against Satan.
Ephesians 6:11-12 says, "Put on the whole armour of God, that ye
may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not
against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers,
against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual
wickedness in high places."
I have taught this passage many times and always make comment about the word "wiles." We get the word "method" from this passage. Yes, we know Satan's tactics and that he is continually battling against the truth. He will shade the truth until it become a lie but we just don't see it at the time. He gets like ivory soap which was 99 and 44 one hundredth part pure. It was the .56 that was making it not 100 percent pure. Satan will give you something that is just about true. It looks like the real thing, but something is missing. It has the right words in it, but something has been left out. Ephesians 6 gives us the antidote for the attacks of Satan and his league of devious workers. Since we know Satan's tactics, we are to put on the armor of God and each piece is listed. The only real offensive piece is the sword which is the Word of God. If you ever have had or are having one of those days when you are being hit by the onslaught of the devil, then take a look at Ephesians 6 and read it again until all of the pieces are in their proper place. It is obvious that we cannot let down our guard because as sure as we do, we will be attacked. Praise God today for the defense that He has given to us. Make sure it is in place.
I have taught this passage many times and always make comment about the word "wiles." We get the word "method" from this passage. Yes, we know Satan's tactics and that he is continually battling against the truth. He will shade the truth until it become a lie but we just don't see it at the time. He gets like ivory soap which was 99 and 44 one hundredth part pure. It was the .56 that was making it not 100 percent pure. Satan will give you something that is just about true. It looks like the real thing, but something is missing. It has the right words in it, but something has been left out. Ephesians 6 gives us the antidote for the attacks of Satan and his league of devious workers. Since we know Satan's tactics, we are to put on the armor of God and each piece is listed. The only real offensive piece is the sword which is the Word of God. If you ever have had or are having one of those days when you are being hit by the onslaught of the devil, then take a look at Ephesians 6 and read it again until all of the pieces are in their proper place. It is obvious that we cannot let down our guard because as sure as we do, we will be attacked. Praise God today for the defense that He has given to us. Make sure it is in place.
Monday, August 13, 2018
Well If That Doesn't Beat All
Do you ever wake up in the morning and wonder what God is going to
show you today? Every now and then, we may make the statement, "Well if
that doesn't beat all." Something had just happened which surprised
you or at least it was something completely unexpected. you may have
just walked into a room and found a person whom you had not seen for
years or a letter comes from a friends that you forgot about years ago.
These are all minor things compared to what happened on that day when
Job and his friends had come to an end of their discussion concerning
Job's problems. Job 38:2-3 says, "Who is this that darkeneth
counsel by words without knowledge? Gird up now thy loins like a man;
for I will demand of thee, and answer thou me."
We know that Job had lost everything and had gone through terrible suffering. When something happens to us, we find comfort in reading about Job because in the end, he comes out better than before. God gets his attention with the words, " don't know what you are talking about." That's a loose definition of "..darkening counsel without knowledge." Then God goes on and gives Job a really good science lesson which covers most things from the weather to the formation and maintaining of the universe. God mentions the snow and the hail, various animals, the oceans and the paths that are in them. He mentions star formations and how the earth was hung upon nothing. Job had to be sitting in shear amazement as God went rapidly from one thing to another. Of course, what a blessing it was for him and what great knowledge and blessing it is for us. So, now, we can get up in the morning and wonder what God is going to show us today. We can ask, "God, how are you going to work in my life today?" "What lessons and blessings do you have for me?" Your day can begin with, "Well, another day, another dollar." or it can begin with "If that doesn't beat all." God seems to always have surprises for each and everyone of us We may always feel like we are darkening counsel by words without knowledge, i.e., don't know what we are talking about, but God has something great for us. So, hold on to your hats because God has just begun another day for us all. Praise god today for His creation, both great and small and expect to be blown away.
We know that Job had lost everything and had gone through terrible suffering. When something happens to us, we find comfort in reading about Job because in the end, he comes out better than before. God gets his attention with the words, " don't know what you are talking about." That's a loose definition of "..darkening counsel without knowledge." Then God goes on and gives Job a really good science lesson which covers most things from the weather to the formation and maintaining of the universe. God mentions the snow and the hail, various animals, the oceans and the paths that are in them. He mentions star formations and how the earth was hung upon nothing. Job had to be sitting in shear amazement as God went rapidly from one thing to another. Of course, what a blessing it was for him and what great knowledge and blessing it is for us. So, now, we can get up in the morning and wonder what God is going to show us today. We can ask, "God, how are you going to work in my life today?" "What lessons and blessings do you have for me?" Your day can begin with, "Well, another day, another dollar." or it can begin with "If that doesn't beat all." God seems to always have surprises for each and everyone of us We may always feel like we are darkening counsel by words without knowledge, i.e., don't know what we are talking about, but God has something great for us. So, hold on to your hats because God has just begun another day for us all. Praise god today for His creation, both great and small and expect to be blown away.
Sunday, August 12, 2018
The Great Resource
August 13, 2018
Greetings to you all in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,
Have you ever forgotten about something that you have had and then
rediscovered? One of my more recent bosses used to give out Starbucks
cards to his employees on special occasions. I usually don't find
myself in Starbucks that often so forgot about the cards. Then, I
received a notice from Starbucks asking if I had forgotten about my
cards. Well, it had been five years ago but then found out that I had
almost $30.00 worth of credit to be used at Starbucks. I might get a
cup of coffee sometime in the future. There are times in our lives when
we do forget about the things that we actually have but perhaps we have
forgotten about them. One of them is the great resource that God has
given to us. Ephesians 3:20-21 says, " Now unto him that is able
to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to
the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ
Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Right in
the middle of this wonderful section of Scripture, Paul gives us through
the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, a glorious doxology. The passage
is really familiar to us and when we read it again and again, it rings
forth with praise to God for what He does in our lives and what He can
do. We perhaps can understand the part that says, whatever we ask or
think, but really have problems with the first part of the verse. "God
is able to do exceeding abundantly above all we ask or think." I might
think or say that I have plenty of things to ask God for and I know He
is great but to think that He is even greater than that begins to blow
my mind. The result is that God is more than able to do more than
anything that we could ever ask for or even think a bout. There may be,
however, times when we forget about this one fact. We forget about
God's greatness. O, we give Him the problems that we think about on any
given day, but we forget about the fact that He often goes beyond what
we even imagine. It is no wonder that Paul ends with a proclamation of
God's glory. You may be facing some problems now and then, like we all
do, and we may forget about the great resource that we have in God's
power. Well, take a look once more at the text above. Paul had just
given three chapters of wonderful blessings and then concludes with the
fact that God can do even more than that. If you are a bit perplexed
today as to what to do in your plight, just remember the words here and
put your trust in God's supply. Praise God today and give Him glory for
His great power and His working in our lives.
for Danny Wade who has been very sick during the past 10 days. Pray
for the wisdom and skills of the medical staff but also pray for his
for Dale Fogg, former missionary to Paraguay who has been diagnosed
with a serious leukemia. He is in a hospital with aggressive treatments
and will be reevaluated after four months. Pray for a significant
for Andy and Diane Large, missionaries to Nicaragua, who had to be
evacuated from the country due to political unrest throughout the
Pray for Janet Hoosier who fell and broke her hip and who now is in Richfield rehabilitation center.
This is a reminder that he is scheduled for open
heart surgery on Wednesday, July 18th. Please pray for this child and for his
Pray for Andrew Pauley who had surgery on July 3 for a malignant tumor on his tongue and future reconstructive surgery.Pray for Bethel Bible Camp as it ministers to campers in the weeks ahead, especially for salvation for those who are lost.
Pray for Ruby Worley who has a heart blockage. They won't operate because of her age. She is now staying with her daughter.
Pray for those in political offices for salvation and guidance according to Biblical principles.
Pray for Owen Dulaney, who has MPS III disease
Pray for wisdom and understanding in the Word of God.
Pray for wisdom and understanding in the Word of God.
Pray for Benjamin Dulaney a young boy who has MPS III disease.
The Doppler Weather Rock is wet and sticky with some chance of change soon.
Have a good day and keep looking up. Jesus is coming again soon.
In Christ,
pastor dan
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