Sunday, July 8, 2018

I Stand Alone on the Word of God, the B I B L E

        There was an energy crisis in USA and people were trying to come up with ways to conserve energy, especially gasoline.  The nation was trying to conserve energy so it lowered the speed limits to 55 miles per hour.  Most states participated in this act.  Then, as the energy supply seemed to increase and the cost of gasoline came down, the speed limits were raised in some states.  In our state, the interstate speed limit is now up to 70 miles per hour.  It had been 55, then 65 and now 70 mph.  The laws had changed.  What was once illegal, now became legal.  If you were caught driving 70 mph when the law was 55, you would get a ticket and it would cost you both money and points against your drivers license.  If you kept it up, you would lose your driving privileges.  Now, however, the same speed would not cause you to get a ticket nor points.  The law had changed.  We find that true in different areas of our society.  Sometimes, that which was illegal during one period of time has now become legal.  There are, however,  some laws that do not change.  God's law doesn't change nor does His "doctrine" change from one day to the next.  That which comprises sound doctrine is the same from one time period to another.  We can be thankful that God's doctrine doesn't change from day to day.  Paul wrote about shifting doctrines which are not of God but are the inventions of men who think that they have come up with something new.  Ephesians 4:14 says, "That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;"  
       We need to realize that doctrines don't change from day to day.  We should not try to altar God's law just because society deems something acceptable today that was against the law yesterday. There may be a gradual understanding of a Scriptural doctrine that was once unclear but has become more clear through time.  But, the doctrine remains the same.  All of this is to say that we can always have confidence in the Word of God when the things of this life seem to contradict the Word of God.  Things come and go, even in the church, but the clear teachings of the doctrines of God remain the same and you can put your confidence in them.  You don't have to be the victim of all of the "celebrity experts" that are around today but you simply have to put your trust into that which God says in His Word.  The doctrines were sound during the times of Christ and the Apostles are they are sound today.  Praise God for His unchanging Word.

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