Sunday, November 5, 2017

Creation and Humanism

     While preparing a Sunday School lesson recently, I spent some time looking up the humanist manifesto that came out around 1935.  A revision of the manifest came out in the early 70's and now there is a third version.  It basically says there is no God at all and mankind is just a product of evolution.  The first manifest has 15 claims, or articles, which refute God and exalt mankind.  It is signed by a long list of college presidents, a large number of Unitarian preachers and a few others.  They all claim to be "free thinkers" and atheists, and agnostics.  They make it clear that they don't believe in God at all.  By its very name, it exalts mankind.  Naturally, they don't believe in the Bible and so they have no way of even coming close to understanding Who God is.    Colossians 1:16-17 says, " For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:   And he is before all things, and by him all things consist."  
      You would think that the humanist people could open their eyes and take a look at the universe from the smallest of things to the largest of things.  Some scientists, and believers in chemical evolution, came together and pondered these very questions.  One of them, an author of a textbook for chemical evolution, finally came to the conclusion that there had to be "First Cause" in order for things to develop as they have.  Whether you are looking at the Flagella motor in the human cell or a field of  flowers, or the Grand Canyon or Mount St. Helen or even your own hand, you should be able to come up to the conclusion that there had to be a First Cause and that First Cause is God, not a pool of primitive goop.  It seems quite clear that it takes much more faith to believe in evolution than it does in the two verses above.  God created the universe and everything in it.  Further examination spells out that it was Christ Himself Who was involved in the process.  It plainly and flatly says, "all things were created by Him and for Him..."  I do feel sorry for the mass of so called educated people who simply believe that they will just disappear into nothingness at the time of death, with no hope while they are living on this earth.  How sad that is.  The discovery of DNA should move people to see God's hand in things and not just chance.  I choose to be the Biblical account of creation and to give God credit for the wonders of the universe.  Praise God for all that He has made.

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