Sunday, October 13, 2013


     Our definition of wealth may vary from person to person.  We tend to accumulate "things" in this life and the more things we accumulate the richer we are.  I have heard the expression, "One man's junk is another man's treasure."  It depends on what you want or for what are you looking.  As a young child, I had a collection of things that were valuable to me, one of which was a large glass door knob.  It was shaped in the form of a large jewel.  Even though it looked expensive, it had no value except as a cheap door knob.  For me, it was the Hope Diamond.  It was added to my collection of things.  Today, we go around looking for the things that we want.  We find what we want, add it to our collection, and then use it as a means of currency to acquire something else.    Psalms 50:10 says, "For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills."  Job 1:21 also reminds us that we came into this world naked and that is the same way we are going to depart from this world.  There is coming a time when it won't matter how much money, gold, silver, jewels, shoes, handbags, shirts, dresses or anything else that you can name will amount to any kind of wealth.  In the above verse, God reminds us that it is all His.  We may have charge of a small amount of things for a season, but the end result is that it all belongs to Him.  The Apostle Paul wrote to the Philippians and was encouraging them with the fact that God would supply all of their needs.  The local church in Philippi had been faithful in reaching out to Paul himself and found themselves in a tight position for a time, but Paul reminded them that God certainly could supply the needs that they would have.  The lesson is still there today.  God supplies all of our needs and He does it by His allocation of a few cows here and there.  He is ultimately in charge of all of the wealth in the world.  We also find that God supplies the needs for both the rich and the poor.  I have come to the conclusion that I was poor as a child but didn't even know it.  God always supplied my needs.  In fact, God has always supplied my needs from the glass door knob, a few marbles, peanut butter and jelly up to the can of small change that sits on my desk.  It has been said that if you have change in your pocket, you are among the world's top 15% of the richest people on earth.  So, if you are going through some financial issues, or anything else for that matter, just remember who owns it all.  He owns the pair of jeans with the hole in the knee, the glass door knob and, oh yes, all those cattle on a thousand hills.  Praise God that He takes care of all of our needs.